With these new imaging techniques, researchers interested in the function of the human brain were presented with an unprecedented opportunity to examine the neurobiological correlates of human behaviors. This opportunity along with prescient early support from the combined resources of the James S. McDonnell Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts contributed significantly to the development of the field of cognitive neuroscience, a field of research that combines the experimental strategies of psychology with various techniques to actually examine how brain function supports mental activities.
The subject matter of these developments has been generally well received by the scientific community and the general public. This relates not only to the scientific importance of the work itself but also to the fact that the subject matter of cognitive neuroscience touches on subjects of importance to everyone (e.g., normal as well as disordered memory, attention, language, motivation, emotion, decision making, and even consciousness). In addition, the imaging data produced by cognitive neuroscientists are often quite intriguing; observing the brain of another human at work seems to fascinate scientists and nonscientists alike.
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Despite these successes, some researchers have questioned the ability of this approach to provide analyses of brain function that are sufficiently refined to truly enlighten us about the relationship between human behavior and brain function (Nichols and Newsome, 1999). One of the keys to evaluating such concerns is the ability to relate work in cognitive neuroscience and imaging to that which parallels it in other areas of neuroscience.
This miniseries is composed of six papers. They cannot be expected to provide an exhaustive review of all that is new and important. The field of cognitive neuroscience is already too large and moving to fast to permit that. Rather, these papers were solicited because they provide important evidence, in a number of areas, which is relevant to an understanding of cognitive neuroscience and functional brain imaging in humans. Before turning to some brief introductory comments about the papers that make up this miniseries, some general remarks about functional imaging seem appropriate.
With this prescient admonition in mind, the task of functional brain imaging becomes clear: identify multiple regions and their temporal relationships associated with the performance of a well designed task. The brain instantiation of the task will emerge from an understanding of the elementary operations performed within such a network. The great strength of functional brain imaging is that it can contribute uniquely to such a task by providing a broad and detailed view of the processing architecture of cognitively engaged networks. Importantly, this can be accomplished in the brain of most interest to us, the human brain.
In reading the papers in this miniseries it will be important for the reader to note that here as well as elsewhere, imaging data are rich in content as reflected in complex spatial and temporal patterns of activity changes (both increases and decreases) that underlie even the most constrained behaviors of interest to cognitive neuroscientists (hardly the picture portrayed by the early phrenologists). Unraveling the elementary operations instantiated in such networks will be a challenge for all levels of neuroscience. It is fair to say that functional brain imaging, using increasingly sophisticated experimental and analytical strategies and ever more powerful imaging devices, will contribute significantly to this important enterprise in studies of humans as well as experimental animals.
These two papers make several important points. First, there are many correspondences between neurophysiological results in nonhuman primates and imaging results in humans as reflected in the systems responding to specific stimuli and cognitive manipulations. Second, the neurophysiological and imaging results differ both qualitatively and quantitatively in some instances, inviting interesting hypotheses related not only to possible differences in local brain function being assessed by the two approaches but also to important evolutionary differences between monkeys and humans. Finally, the results from imaging research, particularly with regard to attention, have extended the domain of inquiry well outside of the visual system and to systems in frontal cortex concerned with the control of attention.
June 7, 2022: The network issue affecting out clients outside the University's network has been resolved. Please let us know if there are still problems connecting to the BrainMap database.What is BrainMap? BrainMap is a database of published functional and structural neuroimaging experiments with coordinate-based results (x,y,z) in Talairach or MNI space. The goal of BrainMap is to develop software and tools to share neuroimaging results and enable meta-analysis of studies of human brain function and structure in healthy and diseased subjects.
How many cell types are there? What is their form, function, and how do they connect? By answering these foundational questions we can better understand human brain development, evolution, and disease. Established in 2003, the Allen Institute for Brain Science is our oldest scientific division.
This has led to an exponential interest in brain mapping, which aims to uncover the relationship between the structure and function of the brain. The ability to pinpoint which structures in the brain are responsible for cognitive function would be an invaluable tool for a range psychiatric disorders and cognitive impairments.
Electrophysiologic techniques including deep brain stimulation may also be used to probe neuronal function in distinct brain regions. Used in isolation or a multi-modal approach, these tools are used to attempt to decipher neuronal structures, cells and regions which are responsible for human behavior.
Original brain mapping studies have investigated the impact of traumatic brain injury and brain lesions in distinct regions and their impact on cognitive function. Such studies were pivotal in the field of neuropsychology and provided the first insights into the neural basis of behavior.
In autism, which features impaired social interaction and emotion processing, trials have highlighted altered connectivity and activation of the amygdala. This evidence reinforces the utility of functional neuroimaging studies in mapping behavior not only in healthy individuals but also by uncovering altered function in brain regions involved in cognitive and psychological disorders.
The Human Connectome Study aimed to characterize brain connectivity and function and their variability in healthy adults using various functional imaging modalities in combination with genetic and behavioral studies. With the aim of freely sharing tools and data, the Human Connectome Project has led to visually stunning maps of white matter tracts spanning throughout the brain, and ultimately leading to advancements in the emerging field of connectomics.
Our knowledge of the brain has evolved over millennia in philosophical, experimental and theoretical phases. We suggest that the next phase is simulation neuroscience. The main drivers of simulation neuroscience are big data generated at multiple levels of brain organization and the need to integrate these data to trace the causal chain of interactions within and across all these levels. Simulation neuroscience is currently the only methodology for systematically approaching the multiscale brain. In this review, we attempt to reconstruct the deep historical paths leading to simulation neuroscience, from the first observations of the nerve cell to modern efforts to digitally reconstruct and simulate the brain. Neuroscience began with the identification of the neuron as the fundamental unit of brain structure and function and has evolved towards understanding the role of each cell type in the brain, how brain cells are connected to each other, and how the seemingly infinite networks they form give rise to the vast diversity of brain functions. Neuronal mapping is evolving from subjective descriptions of cell types towards objective classes, subclasses and types. Connectivity mapping is evolving from loose topographic maps between brain regions towards dense anatomical and physiological maps of connections between individual genetically distinct neurons. Functional mapping is evolving from psychological and behavioral stereotypes towards a map of behaviors emerging from structural and functional connectomes. We show how industrialization of neuroscience and the resulting large disconnected datasets are generating demand for integrative neuroscience, how the scale of neuronal and connectivity maps is driving digital atlasing and digital reconstruction to piece together the multiple levels of brain organization, and how the complexity of the interactions between molecules, neurons, microcircuits and brain regions is driving brain simulation to understand the interactions in the multiscale brain.
Several genetic variants are associated with dyslexia, and their impact on the brain has been investigated in people and mice. Using animals that have been bred to have genes associated with dyslexia, researchers are investigating how these genes might affect development of and communication among brain regions (Che, et. al., 2014; Galaburda, et al., 2006). These investigations dove-tail with studies in humans. Differences in brain anatomy (Darki, et al., 2012; Meda et al., 2008) and brain function (Cope et al., 2012; Pinel et al., 2012) have been observed in people who carry dyslexia-associated genes, even those people who have good reading skills. In addition to these investigations at the anatomical, physiological, and molecular levels, researchers are trying to pinpoint the chemical connection to dyslexia. For example, brain metabolites that play a role in allowing neurons to communicate can be visualized using another MRI-based technique called spectroscopy. Several metabolites (for example, choline) are thought to be different in people with dyslexia (Pugh et al., 2014). Researchers continue to explore the connections between these findings and are hopeful that what they learn will help to determine the causes of dyslexia. This is a difficult aspect of research because differences in the brains of people with dyslexia are not necessarily the cause of their reading difficulties (for example, it could also be a consequence of reading less). 2ff7e9595c