This construction handbook has been developed for use bycontractors and construction engineers involved in bridgeconstruction on Federal-aid highway projects. This document mayalso be of interest to falsework design engineers, and supplementsinformation found in the Guide Design Specification for BridgeTemporary Works. The content is construction-oriented, focusingprimarily on standards of material quality and means and methods.This handbook contains chapters on falsework, formwork, andtemporary retaining structures. For more in-depth discussion on aparticular topic, related literature and references areidentified.
focuses primarily on cofferdams and their application to bridgeconstruction. As indicated by the chapter title, however, generaltopics relating to a wide range of temporary retaining structuresare also addressed. Specific topics include classification ofconstruction types, relative costs, sealing and buoyancy control,seepage control, and protection. The construction of timber sheetpile cofferdams, soldier pile and wood lagging cofferdams, andsteel sheet pile cofferdams is reviewed. Methods of internalbracing and soil and rock anchorage are also discussed. Sectionproperties of standard dressed and rough lumber, bridge deckfalsework design examples, recommended thicknesses for woodlagging, and steel sheet pile data are included as appendixes.Definitions and related publications are identified below.
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